
coda 認証


kuroyagibox# pdbtool list
USER System
  *  id: 1
  *  belongs to groups: [ -2 ]
  *  cps: [ -2 1 ]
  *  owns groups: [ -2 ]
GROUP System:AnyUser OWNED BY System
  *  id: -2
  *  owner id: 1
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ -2 ]
  *  has members: [ 1 ]
GROUP System:Administrators OWNED BY codaadmin
  *  id: -1
  *  owner id: 120
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ -1 ]
  *  has members: [ 120 ]
USER codaadmin
  *  id: 120
  *  belongs to groups: [ -1 ]
  *  cps: [ -1 120 ]
  *  owns groups: [ -1 ]
kuroyagibox# clog codaadmin
username: codaadmin@goatland.info
kuroyagibox# ctokens
Tokens held by the Cache Manager for root:
        Not Authenticated
kuroyagibox# ctokens @goatland.info
Tokens held by the Cache Manager for root:
        Coda user id:    120
        Expiration time: Tue Nov 27 02:38:24 2007
kuroyagibox# cfs la /coda/kuroyagibox.goatland.info/
      System:AnyUser  rl      
System:Administrators  rlidwka 
kuroyagibox# touch /coda/kuroyagibox.goatland.info/X
touch: /coda/kuroyagibox.goatland.info/X: Permission denied

[referer: [an error occurred while processing this directive]]
